Sunday, September 23, 2007


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Friday, September 21, 2007


AE 406-01, SF 184-21
Art Education Portfolio
“Our greatest blessings come to us by way of madness.”

Objective: The Purpose of this project is to make work inspired by an existing body of work that is not your own.

Method for Investigation:

1.Questions: 10 Questions about the topic
2.Research: Where did you find some answers? (3 sourcces)
(List Sources books, periodicals, internet sources)
3.Problem Solving: How do I Respond to my Topic?
Materials, Methods, Approaches

DUE: September 25-Topic Research- Post on Blog

Each week you should “MAKE” something related to your topic. Draw, Photograph, Watch, Write, use Materials you are unfamiliar with, Question. Draw, Photograph, Watch. Write, use materials you are unfamiliar with, watch write, draw, photograph, use materials you know differently, write and draw, play with the topic, question the outcome, open your thinking, why are you questioning……write, draw, photograph, use materials, observe watch, question……

Weekly Requirements:

-Writing: Notebook 3 pages/ 3x week

-Blog Update: 1x week, 2 paragraphs (minimum)
Post response to work, research, questions, and progress
Post images relating to progress (photos, drawings, research))

-“MAKE” something related to your topic. Draw, Photograph, Watch, Write, use Materials you are unfamiliar with, Question. Draw, Photograph, Watch.


September 25 Open Studio/Individual Meetings-Topic Research Due

October 2 Open Studio/Process Critiques

October 9 Phase I Projects Due

Saturday, September 15, 2007

AE 406-01, SF 184-21 Art Education Portfolio
“The more ideas you give away, the better the ideas you’ll get in return.”

The objective of this exercise is to explore your creative process. Complete this series of questions below and bring to class examples of previous finished work, journals, sketchbooks etc.

1. Identify Your:

Working Environment-

Working Process-



Most inspiring person

-Write no less than 2 paragraphs for each topic. Typed and spell checked.

2. Write 3 + “morning” pages a day in your notebooks. 3X7= 21 + pages
from: The Artists Way -Julia Cameron
-3 pages of writing, strictly stream of consciousness...
_There is no wrong way to do the morning pages. Meaning, DOING THEM, PERIOD, is the right way.
-Doing your morning pages, you are sending--notifying yourself and the universe of your dreams, dissatisfactions, hopes.
-Do not judge what your are writing.
-Do anything until you have filled 3 pages. Write the same word over and over until the next one comes. Don’t worry about punctuation etc.
-The time given to morning pages will be led to new sources of support as you begin to support yourself.
-We begin to sort through the differences between our real feelings, which are often secret, and our official feelings....

Due: Tuesday Sept. 18
1. Previous Work bring to class AND supporting materials: journals, sketchbooks etc.
2. Typed answers to questions above
3. 21+ hand written journal entries


Portfolio II AE 406-01, SF 184-21 Lyssa Palu-ay
Massachusetts College of Art
3 Credits-Fall 2007 617.879.7782 Office hours: Wed. & TH 11-12:30
Office: South 3rd floor Studio Foundation
Course Description:

The series of Portfolio courses requires students to place their college–wide learning in studio and critical studies in the context of art education. Substantive interdisciplinary projects are required for each seminar. The projects will steadily build towards fulfilling the Artist/Teacher Portfolio requirements established by the Art Education Department. Required in this class will steadily build towards fulfilling the Artist/Teacher Portfolio requirements established by the Art Education Department.

➢ Fulfills Professional Standards: (b)1c & d (b) 2b; (e)* 2, 3, 4, 6
➢ The portfolios together fulfill Subject Matter Requirements: b, c, d, e, g, h, i, j.

To choose, construct and assess your own curriculum content within the boundaries and requirements of the course by vigorously pursuing research and activities in three studio portfolio projects. The portfolios include connections to 3 areas:

1. Studio Topic
2. Critical Studies Topic (if art is topic, refer to art since 1960)
3.Non-Western or Non-Traditional Topic

Your studio projects will have thematic connections to a critical studies topic (art history, literature, math or science) and an exploration of a non-western or non-traditional topic. These areas of discipline will converge, overlap and integrate into your studio practice. These portfolios will inform and inspire curriculum content in the classroom.

Course Requirements:

-PHASE I: Project based on an existing body of work that is not your own
-PHASE II: Exploration of a non-western or non-traditional topic
-PHASE III: Final studio project based on a specific topic

-Showing & Participating in Process Critiques

-1 Artists Statement accompanying last project (1 Page)

-Portfolio blog (12- entries minimum) Will consist of:
Gallery Visits & Artist Talk, Journal/Notes/Portfolio-May include documentation of research bibliography, notes, sketches, critique notes etc.

-2 Gallery visits & 1 Artist Talk (Posted on Blog)

-Final Review with Art Ed Faculty

Class attendance is a crucial part of your grade. A sign in sheet will keep track of your attendance during the semester. If you are late note the time you arrived. More than 30 mn late = 1 absence; More than 2 absences = NC [no credit]; you may withdraw from the class if before the deadline. If you cannot attend class call or e-mail to let me know. Medical excuses will be required.

75%-Studio Projects
15%-Class Participation
10%-Portfolio Blog

Grading System
The Art Education department uses a standard letter grading system of Honors, A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C or Fail (F). Students completing 80% of their course work in a given course may request an incomplete. Unless the professor grants an extension in writing, students must resolve all incompletes by the middle of the following semester, or the grade converts to a failing one.

Mid-Semester Warning
A mid-semester warning alerts the student and his/her advisor that the student appears to be having difficulty with the course and may not pass.

-1 Composition notebook for writing
-Individual determines, project by project

**Above information is subject to change.**